HOBBS, Ronald Henry

  1. Service Details
  2. Personal Details
  3. Unit and Rank Details
  4. Fate
  5. Commemoration
  6. Notes
  7. Sources

Service Details

Branch of Service
Air Force
World War II (1939-1945)
Date of Enlistment
Place of Enlistment
Sydney NSW

Personal Details

Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Bemboka NSW
Address (at enlistment)
Bemboka NSW (previously boarder at Canberra Grammar School, Red Hill ACT)
School(s) Attended
Bega High School (1936), Canberra Grammar School (1937-1941)
Next of Kin
Son of Nicholas and Lucy Hobbs of Bemboka NSW, brother of 443889 Flight Sergeant Jack Hobbs.
Burial Place

Communal Cemetery, Avant-les-Marcilly Churchyard, Champagne-Ardenne, France

Unit and Rank Details

Service Number
Final Rank
Flight Sergeant
Final Unit
460 Squadron


Died (presumed) in flying battle over France on 4 May 1944, age 19 years


AWM Roll of Honour Memorial Panel 107, Canberra ACT
Bemboka War Memorial, Snowy Mountains Highway, Bemboka NSW


Hobbs boarded at Canberra Grammar School for five years until 1941 and played in both the 1st XV (rugby) and the first XI (cricket) for the school. After sitting for the Sydney University Matriculation exam in early 1942, he joined the RAAF and trained in Edmonton in Canada in the first half of 1943 before being posted to 460 Squadron in Binbrook in England in March 1944. He was part of the aircrew (as navigator) of a Lancaster bomber in 460 Squadron which failed to return from a mission over Mailly-le-Camp, France on 4 May 1944. It was his ninth operational mission.

Description - height 5 feet 7.5 inches, weight 142 pounds, chest 31-33 inches, medium complexion, hazel eyes, brown hair, Church of England.


WWII Nominal Roll http://www.ww2roll.gov.au
AWM Roll of Honour Database
AWM Roll of Honour Circular
Images courtesy of Pamela Hunt, Canberra Grammar School archives
The Canberra Times - 15 May 1944, 10 December 1945
The Canberran : Magazine of Canberra Grammar School
NAA RecordSearch - Series A9301

Create Certificate
Ron Hobbs. Image courtesy of Pamela Hunt, Canberra Grammar School archives.

Ron Hobbs. Image courtesy of Pamela Hunt, Canberra Grammar School archives.

Ron Hobbs, c1942. Image courtesy of Pamela Hunt, Canberra Grammar School archives.

Ron Hobbs, c1942. Image courtesy of Pamela Hunt, Canberra Grammar School archives.

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