BRILL, James Leslie

  1. Service Details
  2. Personal Details
  3. Unit and Rank Details
  4. Notes
  5. Sources

Service Details

Branch of Service
World War II (1939-1945)
Date of Enlistment
Date of Discharge
Place of Enlistment
Paddington NSW

Personal Details

Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Delegate NSW
Address (at enlistment)
Griffith ACT
School(s) Attended
Telopea Park School, Canberra High School
Next of Kin
Leslie Brill (father), Westlake (Yarralumla) ACT

Unit and Rank Details

Service Number
Final Rank
Final Unit
3 Anti Tank Regiment


Brill was born in 1919 and grew up at Westlake (now part of Yarralumla). After school he worked as an apprentice at the Government Printing Office. He played rugby for Eastern Suburbs and was a noted cyclist. After enlisting in July 1940 he served as a Gunner with the 3 Anti Tank Regiment in the Middle East. At Tobruk he was captured while on a foraging mission and became a prisoner of war. Brill was sent first to a POW camp at Sulmona in Italy and then to Stalag 8A at Gorlitz in Germany.

After the war Brill returned to Canberra and lived in Narrabundah. He also served as the President of the Ex-POW Association. Brill died on 23 December 1983 and is buried in the ex-services portion of Gungahlin Cemetery.  The photograph in the Australian War Memorial collection shows Brill at Stalag VIIIA POW camp. It shows a group portrait of an Allied soccer team at the POW camp.


The Yarralumlan : Magazine of the Canberra High School, 1945 (p.12)
WWII Nominal Roll
AWM Collections Records : P02287.004, 3DRL/5071
NAA RecordSearch - Series B883
ACT Electoral Rolls 1916 to 1967
Canberra Public Cemeteries
The Canberra Times - 23 October 1940, 27 January 1941, 6 May 1941, 13 September 1941, 8 December 1941, 28 June 1943, 9 August 1944, 24 April 1945, 20 June 1945, 31 December 1945, 18 February 1954

Create Certificate
James Brill (holding the football) at Stalag VIIIA POW camp. AWM image P02287.004.

James Brill (holding the football) at Stalag VIIIA POW camp. AWM image P02287.004.

James Brill. NAA service file.

James Brill. NAA service file.

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