BRACKENREG, James Richard

  1. Service Details
  2. Personal Details
  3. Unit and Rank Details
  4. Commemoration
  5. Notes
  6. Sources

Service Details

Branch of Service
World War II (1939-1945)
Date of Enlistment
Date of Discharge
Place of Enlistment
Paddington NSW

Personal Details

Other Name(s)
Known as 'Dick'
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
North Sydney NSW
Address (at enlistment)
Dominion Circuit, Forrest ACT
School(s) Attended
Ainslie Public School, Telopea Park School, Canberra Grammar School (1929-1934)
Bank officer
Next of Kin
James Brackenreg (father), Dominion Circuit, Forrest ACT

Unit and Rank Details

Service Number
Final Rank
Final Unit
2/2 Australian Infantry Battalion


Honour Roll in 'The Beacon', the Magazine of Ainslie School, 1943


Dick Brackenreg's father arrived in Canberra just after the naming ceremony in March 1913 to take up a position as lands inspector, initially living with his wife at the Rectory (Glebe House) and later at the groom's residence at Yarralumla. Dick's mother travelled to Sydney for his birth on 31 July 1916 and by the time they returned his father had moved into a house at 8 Liversidge Street, Acton. Dick went to school at Acton, Ainslie and Telopea Park before the family moved to a new home in Monaro Crescent, Red Hill. He was one of the first students to enrol at Canberra Grammar in 1929 and was school captain in 1934. After finishing school he joined the Commonwealth Bank. He served with the 3rd Militia Battalion before the war and helped form the Militia Hockey club.

He served in World War 2 as an officer with the 2/2 Battalion in Greece from March 1941 until he was wounded. A letter to his father states that it happened when his unit was ordered to withdraw. On 18 April 1941 Brackenreg was checking that each Section of his Company had withdrawn when he was hit by a bullet in the right shoulder. Two other men dressed his wound but once night had fallen Brackenreg insisted they leave. After giving them an hour's head start, he called out to some Germans camped nearby and became a prisoner of war. He spent the rest of the war as a German POW until April 1945 when he was liberated by the Americans from a camp near Munich. After the war he married Hilary Grimwade and they lived in Canberra until 1956 before work commitments with the Commonwealth Bank saw them move away. He and his wife returned to Canberra in 1975 upon his retirement. Dick Brackenreg died on 9 August 2008.


WWII Nominal Roll
ACT Electoral Rolls 1916 to 1967
Geoff Burkhardt, 'A Jubilee History of Ainslie School 1927-2002', Canberra 2002
The Canberran : Magazine of Canberra Grammar School, 1935 (p.26), 1936 (pp.26-27), 1941 (p.24)
The Canberra Times - 12 January 1932, 5 June 1937, 2 November 1939, 2 May 1940, 27 January 1941, 11 June 1941, 18 September 1941, 16 August 2008
J.R. Brackenreg, 'Brackenreg Lives and Times', Canberra Historical Journal, March 1985
Adrian Keenan (ed.), 'Catching the Vision. the Foundation of the Canberra Grammar School', 1997 (p.58)
Image from 'The Canberran : Magazine of Canberra Grammar School', 1934 (p.35)
Image courtesy of Pamela Hunt, Canberra Grammar archives

Create Certificate
Dick Brackenreg, front row, second from right, Canberra Grammar hockey team 1934.

Dick Brackenreg, front row, second from right, Canberra Grammar hockey team 1934.

Dick Brackenreg, 1940s. Image courtesy of Pamela Hunt, Canberra Grammar archives.

Dick Brackenreg, 1940s. Image courtesy of Pamela Hunt, Canberra Grammar archives.

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