BLAKE, John James Claude

  1. Service Details
  2. Personal Details
  3. Unit and Rank Details
  4. Notes
  5. Sources

Service Details

Branch of Service
World War II (1939-1945)
Date of Enlistment
Date of Discharge
Place of Enlistment
Canberra ACT

Personal Details

Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Numeralla NSW
Address (at enlistment)
Railway Gates, Royalla ACT
Next of Kin
Harriett Blake, Royalla ACT

Unit and Rank Details

Service Number
Final Rank
Final Unit
36 Australian Infantry Battalion


Blake was living in the Royalla district when he was mobilised for service with the 3rd Battalion (militia) on 28 March 1941 though he did not commence full time duty until 30 December 1941. He arrived in Port Moresby with 3 Battalion in May 1942 but he was hospitalised in September 1942. Blake joined his unit at the end of October, by which time the fighting had moved from the Kokoda track to the northern Papuan coast. For the 3rd Battalion this meant being part of the assault on Gona during November and December 1942. Blake returned to Australia in January 1943 and, like many men from 3 Battalion, was transferred to the 36th Battalion. He was sent to New Guinea in July 1943 and then to New Britain in February 1945 where the 36th Battalion fought the Japanese across the Gazelle Peninsula towards Rabaul. He returned to Australia in June 1945 and lived at the Causeway. Blake died on 7 August 2005.

Description - height 5 feet 6 inches, blue eyes, brown hair, fair complexion, Church of England.


WWII Nominal Roll
Queanbeyan Roll of Honour, Ralph Clothier, 2006
The Canberra Times - 11 August 2005

Create Certificate

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