BEATTY, Christopher Allan

  1. Service Details
  2. Personal Details
  3. Unit and Rank Details
  4. Awards and Honours
  5. Notes
  6. Sources

Service Details

Branch of Service
Air Force
Vietnam (1962-1975)

Personal Details

Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Perth WA
Address (at enlistment)
RAAF Base Fairbairn ACT

Unit and Rank Details

Service Number
Final Rank
Flying Officer
Final Unit
No.9 Squadron

Awards and Honours

Distinguished Flying Cross (Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, 17 June 1971, p.3559)


Beatty graduated from the No.64 Pilots' Course in February 1968 and was posted to No.5 Squadron at RAAF Base Fairbairn to train as a helicopter pilot. From there he served in the Vietnam war with No.9 Squadron from 14 May 1969 to 13 May 1970 and was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. He flew in over 2,500 operational sorties during his tour and qualified as a gunship flight leader. Beatty received his DFC for his actions on 22 April 1970 during an operation to extract a wounded soldier from 7RAR and covering the withdrawal of the soldiers under heavy fire.


DVA nominal roll - Vietnam
RAAF News - 1 April 1968, 1 July 1971

Create Certificate

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