BEAN, Ronald Charles

  1. Service Details
  2. Personal Details
  3. Unit and Rank Details
  4. Notes
  5. Sources

Service Details

Branch of Service
World War II (1939-1945)
Date of Enlistment
Date of Discharge
Place of Enlistment
Paddington NSW

Personal Details

Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Queanbeyan NSW
Address (at enlistment)
Causeway, Kingston ACT
Motor lorry driver
Next of Kin
Ethel Harrington (mother), Causeway, Kingston ACT

Unit and Rank Details

Service Number
Final Rank
Final Unit
2/33 Australian Infantry Battalion


Bean was an apprentice pastry chef at Wilkies Top Hat Cafe in Manuka, before World War 2. His father Gus, a veteran of World War 1, was killed by a motor vehicle in February 1924 while riding a bicycle near Duntroon. After initial training in the AIF, Ron Bean was sent to Papua in December 1942. He joined the 2/33 Battalion near Gona on the north coast of Papua just after the village was captured from the Japanese but his stay was short as his unit returned to Australia in January 1943.

The 2/33 Battalion was again sent to Port Moresby in July 1943 to take part in the attack on Lae in New Guinea. On 7 September 1943, while waiting in trucks near Jackson Airfield before being airlifted to Nadzab in the Markham Valley, an American bomber crashed among the 2/33 Battalion causing more than 150 casualties. Bean escaped uninjured. The remainder of 2/33 Battalion took part in the advance on Lae, capturing Heaths Plantation on 14 September, before the town fell two days later. They were then sent to the Ramu Valley where they patrolled the area around the Finisterre Ranges and Shaggy Ridge.

Bean returned to Australia in February 1944 and suffered two bouts of malaria while on leave in Canberra. The next year was spent training before he and 2/33 Battalion were sent to Morotai in the Netherlands East Indies to prepare for the invasion of Borneo. At the end of June 1945 Bean was part of the landings at Balikpapan in Borneo after which the 2/33 Battalion were involved in a difficult fight with the Japanese on the Milford Highway. He remained in Borneo until February 1946 and was discharged three months later.

Description - height 5 feet 8 inches, fresh complexion, dark hair, blue eyes.


World War II Nominal Roll
ACT Electoral Rolls 1916 to 1967
The Canberra Times - 6 March 1941, 15 August 2006 (p.12)
Canberra Chronicle - 26 August 2014
NAA RecordSearch - Series B883 (Second Australian Imperial Force Personnel Dossiers, 1939-1947)

Create Certificate
Ron Bean. NAA service file.

Ron Bean. NAA service file.

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